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Superior Xamarin Bindings Case Examine – Android Half 1 – Insane Labs Receive US

[global::Android.Runtime.Register (“com/vanniktech/emoji/EmojiReplacer”, DoNotGenerateAcw=true)]
    inside class IEmojiReplacerInvoker : international::Java.Lang.Object, IEmojiReplacer 

        static IntPtr java_class_ref = JNIEnv.FindClass (“com/vanniktech/emoji/EmojiReplacer”);

        protected override IntPtr ThresholdClass 
            get  return class_ref; 

        protected override international::System.Sort ThresholdType 
            get  return typeof (IEmojiReplacerInvoker); 

        IntPtr class_ref;

        static IntPtr Validate (IntPtr deal with)
            if (!JNIEnv.IsInstanceOf (deal with, java_class_ref))
                throw new InvalidCastException (string.Format (“Unable to transform occasion of sort ‘0’ to sort ‘1’.”,
                            JNIEnv.GetClassNameFromInstance (deal with), “com.vanniktech.emoji.EmojiReplacer”));
            return deal with;

        protected override void Dispose (bool disposing)
            if (this.class_ref != IntPtr.Zero)
                JNIEnv.DeleteGlobalRef (this.class_ref);
            this.class_ref = IntPtr.Zero;
            base.Dispose (disposing);

        public IEmojiReplacerInvoker(IntPtr deal with, JniHandleOwnership switch) : base (Validate (deal with), switch)
            IntPtr local_ref = JNIEnv.GetObjectClass (((international::Java.Lang.Object) this).Deal with);
            this.class_ref = JNIEnv.NewGlobalRef (local_ref);
            JNIEnv.DeleteLocalRef (local_ref);
        static IntPtr _replaceWithImagesMethodPointer;
        [Register (“replaceWithImages”, “(Landroid/content/Context;Landroid/text/Spannable;FFLcom/vanniktech/emoji/EmojiReplacer;)V”, “”)]
        public digital unsafe void ReplaceWithImages(Context context, ISpannable textual content, float emojiSize, float defaultEmojiSize,
            IEmojiReplacer fallback)
            if (_replaceWithImagesMethodPointer == IntPtr.Zero)
                _replaceWithImagesMethodPointer = JNIEnv.GetStaticMethodID (class_ref, “replaceWithImages”, “(Lcom/vanniktech/emoji/EmojiReplacer;)V”);
                JValue* __args = stackalloc JValue[5];
                __args[0] = new JValue(context);
                __args[1] = new JValue(textual content);
                __args[2] = new JValue(emojiSize);
                __args[3] = new JValue(defaultEmojiSize);
                __args[4] = new JValue(fallback);
                JNIEnv.CallVoidMethod((this).Deal with, _replaceWithImagesMethodPointer, __args);

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